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Meatless Monday Launch

Are you still doubting Climate Change? Yet, 97% of the international scientific community support the claim that Climate Change is happening and GHGs emitted by human activity are the main driver (American Association for the Advancement of science, 2009). In fact, 200 world wide scientific organisations hold this position.

Climate Change is an issue in itself causing increasing climate events and rising sea levels. It also exacerbates other environmental threats such as biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, water shortage etc… Because these changes touch upon the ecosystems we depend on every single day, they will affect our lives in significant ways we don’t yet anticipate.

This is a global issue in which we should all take part. We can create a more sustainable future. This starts with us, in the way we think, act, consume and live.

Our society, Climate Reality Campus Corps, aims to make our campus more envionmentaly conscious. Last year we took a top down approach, talking to higher ups at the uni regarding clean energy. But this year we want to favour a bottom up approach, through influencing student behaviour.

Notably, reducing our consumption of meat is an easy and effective way of making a positive impact for the environment.

Changing our habits can be difficult but this is why Meatless Monday encourages you to start reducing your meat intake just one day a week!

On this page we will be posting relevant information, articles, recipe ideas and much more so that you can stay motivated and inspired!!

Shout out to the best video producer ever in the entire world Cha Fvre !

Amicie and Enora, Campaigns' officers of Climate Reality Campus Corps.

Join our mailing list for monthly updates!


#CRCC #Sustainability #ClimateChangeIsReal #ClimateAction #Green #Lifestyle #SaveThePlanet #LifeOnEarth #LoveLife #GreenStyle #SustainYourself #AlGore #ClimateReality #World #Earth #Planet

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